The third production of the current season at The Stagecrafters, Bruce Graham’s smart and engaging comedy-drama, SOMETHING INTANGIBLE, will open on Friday, January 30, 2015. The action centers upon Tony and Dale, two very different brothers who head Tony Wiston Studios during Hollywood’s golden age, through the 1940s. Both are totally immersed in movie-making: Tony egocentric and flamboyant, a creative genius in film animation; Dale practical and responsible, the financial head of the studio and a solid family man. Driven by his manic vision of film creation, Tony aches to be taken seriously as an artist, while Dale, often not quite grasping his brother’s visions, goes to exceptional lengths to support Tony and finance his projects. The play, a beautifully crafted piece on creativity and the complexity of sibling relationships, is loosely based on the lives of Walt Disney and his brother, Roy, and their mission to forge what would be their signature achievement, the movie Fantasia.
Bruce Graham (b. 1956) is an eminently successful Philadelphia playwright, having authored well over a dozen full-length plays, three of which have been produced at The Stagecrafters: MOON OVER THE BREWERY (1999), THE CHAMPAGNE CHARLIE STAKES (2000), and COYOTE ON A FENCE (2005). SOMETHING INTANGIBLE, which premiered at the Arden Theatre in 2009, was the winner of the Barrymore Award for Best New Play.
Performance dates are January 30, 31, February 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 at 8 p.m., February 1, 8, 15 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available at $17.00 Online (no service charge), $20.00 At-door. (Thu. eve performances 2-for-$25 Online, 2-for-$30 At door). Students with valid ID $13.00 At-door. Groups of 15 or more are offered a reduced rate of $15.00 a ticket, paid in advance. The box office opens 45 minutes before each performance. For information call 215-247-8881; for reservations-direct call 215-247-9913. The theater is located in the heart of Chestnut Hill at 8130 Germantown Ave. Visit website for details:
Special NOTE: A “Meet the Director, & Cast” Q & A session will be held following the performance on Friday, February 6. All attendees are welcome to stay and join in the discussion.
Theater/Organization The Stagecrafters
Theater/Organization Website:
Theater/Organization Address: 8130 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia (Chestnut Hill), Pennsylvania 19118 (Map It)
Theater/Organization Phone: (215)247-8881